Graduate College

The Graduate College offer several kinds of financial support. For more information, explore the financial assistance page on their website.

Appointments provide part-time employment in teaching and include a waiver of nonresident tuition.  Assignments involve supervised teaching of undergraduate courses in Spanish and Portuguese, and the normal teaching load is three to four courses per year.  Detailed information regarding the eligibility requirements and duties of GA can be found in the GA Manual available from the Graduate College website.

Graduate Assistant Appointment (Working on MA)
Annual Stipend:
  • One Class $ 7,688
  • Two Classes $ 15,375
Graduate Associate Appointment (Working on PhD)
Annual Stipend: 
  • One Class: $ 8,513
  • Two Classes: $ 17,025
After passing Written and Oral Comprehensive Exams in Fall (ABD): 
Annual Stipend: 
  • One Class: $ 9,125
  • Two Classes: $ 18,250

  • Graduate Tuition Waivers (RC waivers) may cover any portion of the graduate student's tuition. Learn more
  • Graduate Access Fellowships are available for incoming Master's and Doctoral students. Learn more

For additional information regarding the above awards, as well as other types of financial support offered by the Graduate College, please consult the Graduate College website

Department of Spanish and Portuguese

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese also offers the following types of support on a competitive basis. Please see the Graduate Advisor for more information regarding these awards.

For students of Golden Age literature.

These awards allow a student to work with a professor on a particular research project or work as a member of the editorial board of the departmental journal, the Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies.

Calls for applications will be sent out when Research Assistantships to work with a professor become available.  Students interested in applying for a Research Assistantship must follow the following procedure:

  • Consult with the professor in charge of the research to find out more about the project, as well as your anticipated role.
  • Submit a letter of interest to the Graduate Studies Committee, which addresses:
    • How your interests fit the description of the proposed project
    • Why you would benefit from the research assistantship
    • A summary of your role in the project
  • The Graduate Studies Committee will review the applicants’ letters of proposal and forward a recommendation to the Department Head, who will make the final decision in consultation with the professor directing the project.

Once awarded a Research Assistantship, a student will not be eligible to reapply for another one for one year.

This award provides the opportunity to spend one or two semesters in Spain and serve as assistant to the resident director of our undergraduate study abroad program there.  A two-semester commitment to the Alcalá program is preferred. The assistantship is open to Ph. D. students who have passed their comprehensive exams and are making satisfactory progress toward completion of degree.  Students should be in the early stages of writing their dissertation.

Calls for applications will be sent out when the Graduate Assistant position in Alcalá is available.  Students interested in applying for the assistantship must submit the following to the Department Head:

  • A letter of interest which addresses why you would benefit from the experience abroad
  • A letter of support from your dissertation director
  • In addition, the student must show:
    • Demonstrated competence in teaching
    • Good ability to work with and advise undergraduate students
    • Collegiality

While all students who have passed their doctoral exams are encouraged to apply, special consideration may be given to students who have a demonstrated need for access to archival resources in Spain or students who have not lived or studied abroad for an extended period of time.

Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies offers the following financial aid opportunities. Check their website for additional information.

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship

This award is offered through the United States Department of Education and is for “…the graduate training of students who intend to make their careers in college or university teaching, government service, or other employment where knowledge of foreign languages and areas is a prerequisite for success.”  Priority is given to students who are interested in Portuguese or Latin American indigenous languages, as well as to students in professional schools (e.g., Business, Medicine, Law) taking intermediate and advanced Spanish classes.

Summer FLAS Fellowship

This award is for students who wish to study Portuguese or Latin American indigenous languages in a summer study abroad program or to carry out field research in Latin America.

Karen L. Smith Fellowship

For graduate students in Linguistics

Tinker Summer Field Research Grant

The Tinker Foundation supports travel expenses for masters and pre-dissertation fieldwork in Latin American during the summer (May through August). Applicants who plan to complete an MA or PhD thesis will be given priority over students who plan to utilize an examination option to complete their degree. Please consult the Center for Latin American Studies web site for detailed information regarding these awards:

Department of Spanish and Portuguese Travel Grant

Travel Grant Awards are for graduate and professional students who are presenting research at academic or professional conferences. Submission deadlines are September 14th for travel during the Fall semester and February 11th for travel during the Spring semester. See the rule and application form in the Graduate Handbook.

These grants are available on a competitive basis and contingent upon the availability of funds. (Please email Isela Gonzales-Cook regarding availability.)